The A.C.C. is your Architectural Control Committee (ACC).  Members of the ACC are appointed by the Board of Directors, all are homeowners within Brookshade and are strictly volunteers, as are the Board Members.  They are responsible for ensuring that all deed restrictions and guidelines pertaining to the appearance and maintainance of our homes and any improvements made to them are properly enforced. They follow Rules, Regulations, Standards, Guidelines and Procedures in maintaining the integrity and value of each home by collectively discussing all violations noted by an independent auditor and all improvements requested by the homeowner.

Application Procedure

The goal of the ACC application review process is to assist Owners in making changes to their property that conform to the character and add aesthetic value to Brookshade.  The ACC strives to have Owner applications reviewed in a timely manner.  The approval process also serves to protect Owners from the cost of having to correct unapproved changes that violate the CC&R.  To better assist the Homeowner in deciding if an Full application is necessary, the ACC has developed this Decision Matrix.  If an application is required, follow these steps below.

1. Download and complete the application from the website.

2. Notify at least two neighbors who will be most affected visually by the intended project and obtain their “awareness signatures” on the application.

3. Submit the application to the designated ACC Liaison at the address noted on the application.

4. Receipt of the application will be acknowledged by the ACC.  The ACC strives to respond as quickly as possible, usually within a week or two, but the approval time needed depends on the nature and scope of the project and the completeness of the application.  If an application is returned to the Owner because it is incomplete, the review clock will begin anew when the completed application is resubmitted.

5. A large project, such as installing a new swimming pool, requires the Owner to submit an application that includes all major elements, such as a drawing of the pool, changes to topography, removal and replacement of mature trees, and fence installation.  The application will be considered in its entirety by the ACC.

6. If an application is denied by the ACC, an Owner may appeal the decision to the Board of Directors by providing written notice by certified mail within 14 days from the date of the ACC decision.  The Board must rule on the appeal within 45 days of receipt.

7. Article X, Section 14 authorizes the Board to enjoin any construction, alteration, or other  work that is deemed to be nonconforming and to recover damages there from, including attorney’s fees incurred in enforcing the CC&R, in addition to such other remedies.

Contact ACC

The ACC can be contacted by emailing  Our independent auditor, who checks for violations in the neighborhood and accepts the ACC applications can be reached at