Amenities Improvement Update (05/31/2024)

Pool: The shade structures have been installed and the deck/furniture were soft washed.   The vendor ordered the wrong color fabric for the shade structures and will be delivering the replacements by mid-July. The amenities committee is exploring the possibilities of replacing the existing umbrellas to match the color of the new shade structures.

South End
West End

Playground: The playground has been installed.  There is still finishing work that needs to be completed with the perimeter sod, security camera and fence. The addition of the swing set is a phase 2 endeavor.  This is due to the unexpected addition of a retaining wall (and permitting) needed to accommodate the space needed for a swing set.

Tennis Viewing/Pavilion: We are currently working with an engineering firm on the fundamental design of the structure (30 x 10) to ensure the design meets all applicable city and county codes.

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